Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Busy Busy Juice Stand

It's been like forever, right?! So busy. Well, I took my Intro to Business Administration mid-term. I got a B 190points out of 200. Not bad for cramming. I don't like not taking the time to study properly, but I always have so much going on that cracking a book is the last thing on my to do list. I think I'm going to drop a class. Maybe my Financial Accounting - too much reading right now. ... What else.... Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... I've been sewing! Yaaaayyyyy!!!! not making what I should be, but it was so cute and I couldn't wait. It's a hoodie size 3T. I've been taking an obscene amount of pictures of it too..I make all kinds of stuff and always forget to take pictures of it. Then my friends end up bragging about how talented I am and I have no proof to back them up. I'll post them as soon as I figure out how. *smile* I call it the "Juice Stand Hoodie" becaise the fabric is covered in oranges and grapefruit with some flowers sprinkled around. It reminded me of a juice stand in the summer, the only thing missing was the lemon. I mean you can't have a juice stand with out lemonade right? So I made a lemon applique and put it on the front. My Honey thinks I should take off the lemon because it looks cheap. LOL!... so I can't wait to share it with someone who appreciates it. So cute I want to keep it for my Munchkin, but the munchkins gotta eat and I'd rather have the $50 I'm planning to sell it for. It's more than worth it . French seams, fully lined, top stitching, I even stitched the brand name into it. "Gingerfox Sakura", my dogs names of course. I should probably get that trademarked. Well until then this posting will be my poor man's copyright, time stamped and dated.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Movie Monday

So… today was good. I got something accomplished…. Not as much as I'd hoped. My Honey and the munchkin and I spent the morning watching movies. I finally got to see the Karate Kid with Will Smith's son- that was better than I expected. I admit that I cried. The Kid was cute and he reminds me of my son—always talking. I still haven't studied for my mid-term in my Introduction to Business Administration class. I haven't really read the book past chapter 1 all semester. Usually I end up skimming it for the answers to the quiz right before I take it or as I take it (it's an online class) …but this I can't fake. Gotta read and comprehend 10 Chapters in 48 hrs. piece of cake -right? We'll see. I did shampoo the carpet in the munchkin's room, and I started painting her new bed frame. It's almost ready to go in her room- almost. I forgot to take before pictures but I'll be sure to share after ones. K – Bye!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Hello, my name is Bruce"..... (in unison) "Hello Bruce"

So... I am Amana Rayfield, but you can call me Ana, as does most of the world. My New Year's Resolution was simple this year –To be better- even though I know I am a huge procrastinator. I decided to start a blog as an attempt to incite positive motivation from the world. This will be my place to vent and share my random ramblings that no one around me has the patience to listen to. * smile *…. Welcome to my own little speck on the information Superhighway—my imagination. Thank you for coming. Please sign your name on the way out.